Pre GSC Conference Agenda Items Meeting: GV / LV and Policy & Admissions (ZOOM)
March 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Discuss proposed agenda items for the 2025 General Service Conference; prepare our Delegate Jodi B.for the conference by providing your feedback.
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B. Consider the list of suggested Grapevine book topics for 2026 or after.
F. Consider request to revise the pamphlet “Grapevine and La Vina: Our meetings in print.” (PAI 79)
D. Consider request that a Super Majority of voting members be required to change or amend Founders Literature. (PAI 36, 93, 96) (discussion only)
E. Consider a request to develop guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of temporary replacement delegates. (New Item)
F. Consider request to prioritize a list of selection criteria to inform the committee selection process. (New Item)
G. Consider request to prioritize a list of selection criteria to inform the committee selection process. (New Item)