Pre GSC Conference Agenda Items Meeting: Literature, Trustees and IC/RF (ZOOM)
March 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Discuss proposed agenda items for the 2025 General Service Conference; prepare our Delegate Jodi B.for the conference by providing your feedback.
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E. Review progress report of the Fifth Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. (discussion only)
J. Consider request that the Twelve Concepts for World Service and essays on the Twelve Concepts for World Service be included in the current publication, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. (PAI 23)
K. Consider request to update the book Living Sober. PAI PAIs 34, 64, 106, 90, 92, 121,122)
L. Discuss Plain Language Big Book review process. (discussion only)
G. Consider the request to include the version of A.A. Comes of Age, Lasker Award text in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous. ( PAI 24 and 63)*
Note: This item was forwarded from the Literature Agenda as part of the 2025 Equitable Distribution Plan (EDW).
International Conventions/Regional Forums
A. Discuss the upcoming 2025 International Convention. (discussion only)
B. Review progress report on the development of new declaration to be adopted at the 2030 International Convention. (discussion only)
C. Consider that all Sovereign States flags be a part of the Flag Ceremony at an International Convention. (PAI 10)